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[Anti SPAM!]

SPAM Fighter

[English] Opt-in email is mail that you either requested or agreed to receive. Think about online newsletters you subscribe to, emails from companies with whom you do business, breaking news emails from, or personal email from family and friends. That's legitimate email.
Opt-out email is completely unsolicited mail that appears in your inbox offering you "services" like university diplomas, easy credit, or mail order medicines guaranteed to jump start your personal life. To get off these lists, you have to petition the sender to remove you, hence the term "Opt-out." Of course, sometimes even that doesn't work: it just tells the spammer that your email address is valid.
Many people wonder how they possibly get on these lists. Often, the culprit are email spiders. They search through the HTML code of websites and save to a file everything that looks like an email address. They crawl through message boards, Web sites, and any online forum that might contain email addresses. The spiders search the Web until they have extracted a certain number of email addresses. Then they triumphantly crawl back to their evil masters with a list of victims.
SPAM Fighter generates a list of around 100 fake email addresses. When the robot adds the fake addresses to the list and sends out SPAM, the SPAM sender will receive around 100 return email addresses. Because of this the spammer will get discouraged since he has to search for the fake email addresses. 

[German] Um E-Mail-Adressen für den Versand von Massen-E-Mails zu erhalten, durchsuchen viele Firmen mit Suchmaschinen den HTML-Code von Websites und  speichern alles, was auf Grund des Codemusters "href='mailto:username@domainname.suffix'" als E-Mail-Adresse erkennbar ist.
SPAM-Fighter erzeugt eine Liste von ungefähr 100 Scheinadressen. Wenn diese zu der Adressliste des Spam-Automaten hinzugefügt sind und E-Mails an sie gesandt werden, wird der Absender 100 Rück-E-Mails mit einer Fehlermeldung erhalten. Dies wird sicherlich nicht zu seiner Ermutigung beitragen, mit dem unerwünschten Adressenfang fortzufahren.

Want to contact me? Below are my FAKE e-mail addresses.

  1. luxaje
  2. yomabu
  3. satiyi
  4. tusefa
  5. toyuzo
  6. bahatu
  8. xijaxu
  9. pinizi
  10. gaqoce
  11. laqexa
  12. tudejo
  13. wugahu
  14. nuyibu
  15. kaxeri
  16. gofuzo
  18. rejaqo
  19. dijuca
  20. huleci
  22. poyiqe
  23. jagafe
  24. tugazo
  25. gikawe
  27. nezogi
  28. rujota
  29. sanuce
  30. kakewe
  31. biguzi
  32. siguyi
  33. gucoca
  34. viqori
  38. jasihe
  39. meceji
  42. nuhevi
  43. yehuqa
  44. wetuxu
  45. rijacu
  46. goyowo
  47. nuwexe
  48. qemuni
  49. milosu
  50. suyoho
  51. yukixe
  52. rapuke
  53. pagane
  54. makive
  55. bevogi
  56. norumu
  57. kufivi
  58. rigonu
  59. vafago
  60. yucusu
  62. rojiya
  63. jugepu
  64. yavucu
  65. jixitu
  67. zacofi
  68. tejedu
  70. lamonu
  71. hevoxo
  72. zayaze
  73. zivuto
  74. xisosu
  75. qugide
  76. joqope
  77. hakema
  78. xavopa
  79. xizixe
  80. jebufi
  81. bucafu
  83. kuxifu
  84. zuyalo
  85. yobuxa
  86. becudi
  87. foviva
  88. nutilo
  89. qixoso
  90. yidove
  91. nanetu
  92. hihuhe
  93. mebiba
  94. cunapu
  95. mowaca
  96. zomawi
  97. wimoma
  98. koboni
  99. megewi
  100. lusubu
  101. muluce